
  • Tsenshap Serkong Rinpoche's visit to the Serkong School

    26. 07. 2021: Today, Tsenshap Serkong Rinpoche visited our Serkong School and gave an oral transmission of Manjushri Prayer – Praise to the Intelligent One. [mehr]

  • Tanzin Yondan's initiation into religious life

    21. 07. 2021: The reincarnation of Geshe Sonam Wangdui, Tanzin Yondan, was found by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Today, he received the initiation into religious life at Tabo Monastery. [mehr]

  • A new book on Tholing, Nyarma and Tabo

    08. 07. 2021: The project Buddhist Architecture in the Western Himalayas has developed more rich documentation on ancient temple complexes, including Tabo. [mehr]

  • Losar Tashi Delek (English)

    12. 02. 2021: On the occasion of the beginning of the Tibetan Year 2148, the year of the Iron Ox, we want to send our heartfelt best wishes for a very happy New Year. [mehr]

  • Losar Tashi Delek (Tibetan)

    12. 02. 2021: ༄༅།  །བོད་རྒྱལ་ལོ་༢༡༤༨ ... [mehr]

  • The most important teaching of Tsenshap Serkong Rinpoche

    19. 01. 2021: Two months before his passing in August 1983, the previous Tsenshap Serkong Rinpoche sat with Alex Berzin to record a teaching on equalising and exchanging self with others. [mehr]

  • Tabo Monastery’s new website is online

    07. 12. 2020: The website was created by young trainees from Berlin in a project of the Förderverein für regionale Entwicklung e.V., in cooperation with the monastery, Tsenshap Serkong Labrang and Serkong School. [mehr]

  • How to cope with the pandemic situation

    01. 11. 2020: At the request of Zangchoed Chaezin Tsokpa, Tsenshap Serkong Rinpoche gave advice to the people of Spiti on how to cope with the pandemic situation. [mehr]

  • Extended teachings at the Gaden Jangtse Monastic College

    01. 10. 2020: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, 36 monks from Tabo could not return home to Tabo after their annual winter training and remain in the south of India. [mehr]


Tabo Monastery
The Institute of Studies in Buddhist Philosophy and Tribal Cultural Society (ISBP & TCS)
Village and P.O. Tabo
Distt. Lahaul and Spiti
Himachal Pradesh 172113




Land line and mobile phone:
+91 1906 223 315
+91 94189 63082


Fax: +91 1906 223 403